Advantages of using web server logfile analysis softwareThe main advantages of logfile analysis over page tagging are as follows. The web server normally already produces logfiles, so the raw data is already available. To collect data via page tagging requires changes to the website.
The web server reliably records every transaction it makes. Page tagging relies on the visitors' browsers co-operating, which a certain proportion may not do. The data is on the company's own servers, and is in a standard, rather than a proprietary, format. This makes it easy for
a company to switch programs later, use several different programs, and analyze historical data with a new program. Page tagging solutions involve vendor lock-in. Logfiles contain information on visits from search engine spiders.
Although these should not be reported as part of the human activity, it is important data for performing search engine optimization. Logfiles contain information on failed requests; page tagging only records an event if the page is successfully viewed. *ref: web analytics definitions found on Wikipedia
Free web log analyzer software  What
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Affordable web log analyzer 
How's $95 sound? Download a Free fully functional... 30-day trial version of this Website Traffic Log Analyzer « here! Another log analysis tool that can help you improve your site stickiness and let's you visualize how traffic moves through your web site. See web
log analyzer demo « here. This Log Analyzer can help you with your pay per click advertising and understand how sticky your web site is. Are your potential customers getting lost in the clutter? Which pages on your web site are the most effective or the least effective at retaining customers?
An affordable web log analyzer which is a powerful, quick, and inexpensive way to sift through gigabytes of logs and produce easy-to-understand summaries of your web
site traffic. See advantages of page tagging web analysis software » 